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Universidad de Jaén


Curso en La Democracia y el Parlamentarismo en España, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica: perspectivas comparadas.



In an era marked by rapid political and social change, understanding the frameworks that underpin democracy is more critical than ever. The proposed course, "Democracy and Parliamentarism in Spain, the United States, and Latin America: Comparative Perspectives," aims to provide students with an in-depth examination of democratic institutions across these regions. Given the challenges faced by democracies worldwide, including threats to political stability, social justice, and equality, this course is timely and necessary.

The course is designed to address key issues related to democratic governance, particularly in the context of current reports from the Venice Commission and ongoing concerns raised by the European Union regarding the fragility of Western democracies. By offering students a comparative perspective, they will gain insight into the different ways democracy is practiced and understood in Spain, the United States, and Latin America. This comparative approach not only enriches students' knowledge but also fosters critical thinking about the unique challenges and opportunities each region faces.

Moreover, the course aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). It emphasizes the importance of robust institutions and the need for alliances to promote quality governance and justice. Through a dedicated focus on gender equality (Goal 5), the course also addresses the historical and contemporary role of women in democratic institutions, acknowledging their contributions and the ongoing need for their active participation in governance.

The proposed content will encompass various topics, including the risks and challenges facing democracy in Latin America, the role of women in democratic institutions, and the analysis of constitutional frameworks in the U.S. By engaging with distinguished speakers from prestigious institutions, students will benefit from diverse perspectives and expertise, enhancing their academic and professional development.

Overall, this course seeks to equip students with the necessary tools to critically engage with the democratic process, fostering a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that uphold democracy and the vital role of active citizenship.
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General Objective: To provide students with access to exceptional content and instructors, as they are affiliated with prestigious institutions of international relevance (it will be shown later that the institutional affiliation of some of the speakers is of excellence, being from top universities in the Shanghai ranking).

Specific Objective: In the current context, and in light of various reports from the Venice Commission, as well as the ongoing alerts from the European Union regarding the dangers faced by Western democracies, students should practically understand the "risks to democracy" and receive training that goes beyond what is offered in their respective degree programs.

Specific Objective: To provide a global view of the legal world that surrounds us. Due to the curricula, students find it difficult to learn about other legal systems. Through the speakers and topics, they will acquire this knowledge.

Specific Objective: To offer students a historical perspective on the r

The ideal candidates for this course are students currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree in Law, who demonstrate a keen interest in the study of democratic governance and parliamentary systems. We seek individuals who possess critical thinking skills, a strong commitment to social justice, and a desire to engage with complex political and legal issues.

Moreover, candidates should have a willingness to explore comparative perspectives, as the course will encompass the examination of democracies in Spain, the United States, and Latin America. A genuine interest in the role of women in democratic institutions and a commitment to fostering gender equality within the legal and political frameworks will also be highly valued.

Students who are proactive, collaborative, and eager to contribute to discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing democracies today will thrive in this course. We encourage applicants who aspire to become informed and active participants in the global di

Enrollment for the course will follow a strict first-come, first-served basis. Students are encouraged to register early to secure their place in this unique opportunity. Timely registration will ensure that all interested participants can engage with the course content and benefit from the insights offered by our esteemed faculty. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this enrollment policy.

Preinscripción y matrícula

Preinscripción: No es necesario realizar preinscripción.

Fecha de inicio de matrícula: 30 de noviembre de 2024 a las 00:00

Fecha de fin de matrícula: 08 de diciembre de 2024 a las 23:59

Periodo de matrícula cerrado.

Información Matrícula:

  • ORDINARIA: 0,00 €
  • Plazos propuestos e importes: 1 plazo de 0,00 €.

Para realizar la matrícula se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y dados personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.

Importante: Seguro de accidentes: Todos los participantes deben estar cubiertos por un seguro de accidentes (EXCEPTO CURSOS ONLINE)

  • Seguro escolar. Obligatorio para todos los menores de 28 años, cobrándose en Estudios oficiales, una sola vez por curso académico.
  • Seguro accidentes UJA. Obligatorio para todos aquellos alumnos que no tengan abonado el seguro escolar en el curso académico activo, siendo ambos incompatibles, debiendo abonarse una sola vez por curso académico. Afecta a todos los alumnos de estudios oficiales y no oficiales (Grado, Máster, Tercer Ciclo, Enseñanzas Propias y Cursos Cortos)
  • Enlace de informe al alumnado: https://www.ujaen.es/estudios/acceso-y-matricula/matricula/seguros-para-el-alumnado-de-la-uja

El alumnado matriculado en esta actividad puede participar en la Convocatoria de Becas de Formación Permanente 1er. cuatrimestre del curso 2024/25. La Resolución se publicará en el Centro de Formación Permanente y Formación Complementaria - Perfil de Estudiantes en Becas y Ayudas

Información académica

Aquí encontrarás los detalles fundamentales y todos los enlaces necesarios para conocer la organización de tu máster propio.

Program Outline

I. Democracy in Latin America: Risks and Challenges
Overview of democratic models in Latin America, socio-political challenges, and case studies on democratic erosion.

II. The Role of Women in Democratic Institutions and Latin American Society
Historical perspective on women’s political participation, barriers, opportunities, and their influence on political and social reform.

III. The U.S. Constitutional Legal System: A Model Democracy?
Examination of the U.S. constitutional structure, civil rights legislation, and comparative analysis with Spanish civil law, focusing on codification and societal impact.

IV. Women in U.S. Parliamentary Institutions
Evolution of women’s roles in U.S. political institutions, their impact on governance, and case studies on women leaders.

V. Europe: Is Democracy at Risk?
Overview of democratic challenges in Europe, populism, nationalism, and recent political crises.

VI. European Institutions and Their Alliances with International Par
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  • Evaluación continua

Fecha de Inicio: 11 de diciembre de 2024

Fecha de Fin: 30 de diciembre de 2024

Calendario Académico:

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