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Universidad de Jaén





There is an increasing need to train students in basic concepts of development, planning, monitoring and control applied to renewable energy projects and energy systems in accordance with ISO 21500 and PM2 methodology, which is especially recommended by the EU for this type of project. Evaluate the impact of renewable energies on the energy system. Show the regulatory framework and energy policies in the EU. Interpret the FER promotion plans in the EU and raise students' awareness about the future of energy and the management of renewable energy projects are among the objectives that we intend to show in this course.

This course aims to introduce students to methodologies that allow them to develop, plan and manage renewable energy projects, through applied case studies that allow them to plan and forecast renewable energy. The aim is to train students through the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodologies for the management of renewable energy projects (planning, monitoring and control of renewable energy projects). (ISO 21500 (IPMA) standard with PmBook (PMI) e (PM2)

We aim to introduce the student to Renewable Energy Project Management through applied case studies and visits to real facilities and projects in progress. We will apply the basic concepts of project management. (Scope, Time and Cost.) Energy project planning. Project monitoring and control, Risk management, supplier management, Communications and Closing. Developing the necessary artifacts according to the PM2 methodology especially recommended by the EU.

The main objective is to familiarize the student with Renewable Energy Project Management. Through practical cases applied with tools Using computer tools for project management. (Excell and MS Project)
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• Introduce the student to basic concepts about renewable energy projects and energy systems. Energy transformations and power plants.

• Explain the global energy system and the risks of the current energy system.

• Introduce the student to renewable energies. (mechanical and thermal systems). Analyze energy costs. LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy).

• Assess the impact of renewable energies on the energy system. Show the regulatory framework. Energy policy. RES promotion plans in the EU

• Raise student awareness about the future of energy. Planning and prospective of renewable energies. Techniques and methodologies

• Introduce Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology for the management of renewable energy projects. (planning, monitoring and control of renewable energy projects). (ISO 21500 Standard (IPMA) with the PmBook (PMI)and (PM2)

• Introduce Renewable Energy Project Management. (Basic concepts of project management. Scope, Time and Cost.) Energy project Planning

• Introduce Renewable Energy Project Management. Basic concepts of project management. Project Control and Risk Management.

• Familiarize the student with the Management of renewable energy projects. Practical cases (Excel/MsProject). Use computer project management tools.

Between 5-10 students from each participant university, IPP Portalegre (Portugal) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca TUCN (Romania), and a number of students from the hosting University (UJAEN) yet to decide (minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5). Moreover, students from higher education institutions holding an ECHE - 2021-2027 could participate if the sum of students coming from IPP Portalegre (Portugal) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN)(Romania) does not reach the number of 15. It allows for a conformation of multicultural small groups involving 1-3 students from each university

To pre-register, it is recommended to use the Chrome browser from a computer. If you receive an error message, send an email, including the screenshot and personal information (name and ID), to continua@ujaen.es.

Students participating in the Blended Intensive Program are expected of a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20.Between 5-10 students from each participant university, IPP Portalegre (Portugal) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca TUCN (Romania), and a number of students from the hosting University (UJAEN) yet to decide (minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5). Moreover, students from higher education institutions holding an ECHE - 2021-2027 could participate if the sum of students coming from IPP Portalegre (Portugal) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN)(Romania) does not reach the number of 15. It allows for a conformation of multicultural small groups involving 1-3 students from each university.Selection process: Selection process: Students will be selected by the instruction team among the ones that show a better CV in relation to the requirements, knowledge in energy renewables, project management and English.
To pre-register, it is recommended to use the Chrome browser from a computer. If you receive an error message, send an email, including the screenshot and personal information (name and ID), to continua@ujaen.es.

Preinscripción y matrícula

Fecha de Inicio: 01 de diciembre de 2024 a las 00:00

Fecha Fin: 31 de enero de 2025 a las 23:59

Preinscripción abierta hasta fin de matrícula.

Para realizar la preinscripción online pulse el siguiente botón:

Acceso preinscripción

Para realizar la preinscripción se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y datos personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.


Fecha de inicio de matrícula: 01 de febrero de 2025 a las 00:00

Fecha de fin de matrícula: 17 de febrero de 2025 a las 23:59

Periodo de matrícula cerrado.

Información Matrícula:

  • ORDINARIA: 0,00 €
  • Plazos propuestos e importes: 1 plazo de 0,00 €.

Para realizar la matrícula se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y dados personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.

Importante: Seguro de accidentes: Todos los participantes deben estar cubiertos por un seguro de accidentes (EXCEPTO CURSOS ONLINE)

  • Seguro escolar. Obligatorio para todos los menores de 28 años, cobrándose en Estudios oficiales, una sola vez por curso académico.
  • Seguro accidentes UJA. Obligatorio para todos aquellos alumnos que no tengan abonado el seguro escolar en el curso académico activo, siendo ambos incompatibles, debiendo abonarse una sola vez por curso académico. Afecta a todos los alumnos de estudios oficiales y no oficiales (Grado, Máster, Tercer Ciclo, Enseñanzas Propias y Cursos Cortos)
  • Enlace de informe al alumnado: https://www.ujaen.es/estudios/acceso-y-matricula/matricula/seguros-para-el-alumnado-de-la-uja

El alumnado matriculado en esta actividad puede participar en la Convocatoria de Becas de Formación Permanente 1er. cuatrimestre del curso 2024/25. La Resolución se publicará en el Centro de Formación Permanente y Formación Complementaria - Perfil de Estudiantes en Becas y Ayudas

Información académica

Aquí encontrarás los detalles fundamentales y todos los enlaces necesarios para conocer la organización de tu máster propio.

3 ECTS Blended intensive program includes both, the online course (2 ECTS) and the
onsite course (1 ECTS).

• 1 ECTS – Online teaching: 17.02.2025 – 28.02.2025

• 1 ECTS – Onsite teaching – University of JAEN, Spain: 03.03.2025 – 07.03.2025 Duration. 1 week – 25 hours of student work

Activities Practical labs with specific software MS PROJECT, Workshops, Mixed Groups from each University participant, Renewables Energy Final Project, in Group of 5 student. All activities will involve a strong student participation under supervision of faculty members. Social events and cultural visits during a week-long stay of on-site work at the University of Jaén

• 0,5 ECTS – Online Project phase/Supervision (Hybrid Remote): 10.03.2025 – 31.05.2025

Resolution of doubts and activities and study cases carried out in each of the blocks
Resolution of practical cases for planification and control carried out with MS-Project

• 0.5 ECTS – Preparation and Online Final presentation of the projects: 02.06.2025–06.06.2025

Group tutorial with groups of 5 students in charge of preparing a final project on renewable energies as prior preparation for their defense final on line, during the las and final session of BIP program.
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3 ECTS Blended intensive program includes both, the online course (2 ECTS) and the onsite course (1 ECTS).
• 1 ECTS – Online teaching: 17.02.2025 – 28.02.2025
• 1 ECTS – Onsite teaching – University of JAEN, Spain: 03.03.2025 – 07.03.2025 Duration. 1 week – 25 hours of student work
Activities Practical labs with specific software MS PROJECT, Workshops, Mixed Groups from each University participant, Renewables Energy Final Project, in Group of 5 student. All activities will involve a strong student participation under supervision of faculty members. Social events and cultural visits during a week-long stay of on-site work at the University of Jaén
• 0,5 ECTS – Online Project phase/Supervision (Hybrid Remote): 10.03.2025 – 31.05.2025
Resolution of doubts and activities and study cases carried out in each of the blocks
Resolution of practical cases for planification and control carried out with MS-Project
• 0.5 ECTS – Preparation and Online Final presentation of the projects: 02.06.2025–06.06.2025
Group tutorial with groups of 5 students in charge of preparing a final project on renewable energies as prior preparation for their defense final on line, during the las and final session of BIP program.

  • Evaluación continua
  • Trabajos
  • Collaborative Group Project on Renewable Energy Project Management - Final project to be presented by students online

Fecha de Inicio: 18 de febrero de 2025

Fecha de Fin: 06 de junio de 2025

Calendario Académico: