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Universidad de Jaén


Curso en Global Health Foundations



COVID-19 pandemic has revealed serious weaknesses in the healthcare system of most EU member states. In addition, this unprecedented global crisis has also highlighted the importance of public health interventions in basic and applied research, and the emergence of global health threats and challenges that have to be addressed. The pandemic has also brought to the fore the lack of adequate policies that support the advancement of scientific knowledge able to provide plans and tools to achieve adequate medical and socio-economic responses.
Global Health is a term including the complex interaction of biomedical, ecological, social and institutional determinants, between others. Thus, we will introduce the main topics in global health and the science behind the multiple interacting disciplines able to respond to the great new challenges and priorities in global health. These challenges include tackling antibiotic resistance, fighting against transmissible (COVID-19, AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, etc.) and non-transmissible (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and mental) diseases, coping with the impact of pollution and climate change on health, guaranteeing access to healthy food, and reducing global health inequities
through solidarity, responsibility and coordination in health matters.
Finally, and considering that the resolution of complex global health problems requires interdisciplinary solutions, One Health will be introduced as the growing global strategy that recognizes the interconnected nature of human, animal and environmental issues to improve healthcare and sustainability challenges.
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• Understand the meaning of global health and how data on global health measures affect policy change and development
• Describe the epidemiology of global diseases, and the impact and prevention of antimicrobial resistance, nutrition problems and environmental issues on global health.
• Understand the role that culture plays in the practice of medicine and global health
• Describe the context of maternal and child health, the basic needs for human survival, and how poverty, conflict and terrorism affects global health
• Identify strategies of health systems to prevent illness, including education, screening, vaccination, and prophylaxis, and the current efforts and limitations to global access to essential medications
• Describe the meaning of the “right to health”, the ethical and human rights issues, and controversies in human research
• Understand the meaning of one health. Identify one health challenges, strategies and goals. Know the methods and tools for one health research

Undergraduate students from any field of knowledge.

First come, first served.

Preinscripción y matrícula

Fecha de Inicio: 27 de mayo de 2024 a las 00:00

Fecha Fin: 14 de junio de 2024 a las 23:59

Periodo de preinscripción cerrado.

Para realizar la preinscripción se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y datos personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.


Fecha de inicio de matrícula: 14 de junio de 2024 a las 00:00

Fecha de fin de matrícula: 24 de junio de 2024 a las 23:59

Periodo de matrícula cerrado.

Información Matrícula:

  • ORDINARIA: 0,00 €
  • Plazos propuestos e importes: 1 plazo de 0,00 €.

Para realizar la matrícula se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y dados personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.

Importante: Seguro de accidentes: Todos los participantes deben estar cubiertos por un seguro de accidentes (EXCEPTO CURSOS ONLINE)

  • Seguro escolar. Obligatorio para todos los menores de 28 años, cobrándose en Estudios oficiales, una sola vez por curso académico.
  • Seguro accidentes UJA. Obligatorio para todos aquellos alumnos que no tengan abonado el seguro escolar en el curso académico activo, siendo ambos incompatibles, debiendo abonarse una sola vez por curso académico. Afecta a todos los alumnos de estudios oficiales y no oficiales (Grado, Máster, Tercer Ciclo, Enseñanzas Propias y Cursos Cortos)
  • Enlace de informe al alumnado: https://www.ujaen.es/estudios/acceso-y-matricula/matricula/seguros-para-el-alumnado-de-la-uja

El alumnado matriculado en esta actividad puede participar en la Convocatoria de Becas de Formación Permanente 1er. cuatrimestre del curso 2023/24. La Resolución se publicará en el Centro de Formación Permanente y Formación Complementaria - Perfil de Estudiantes en Becas y Ayudas

Información académica

Aquí encontrarás los detalles fundamentales y todos los enlaces necesarios para conocer la organización de tu máster propio.

Chapter I: Introducing global health
Health problems and threats facing the world today. Health inequity. Transmissible and non-transmissible diseases. The impact of pollution and climate change.
Chapter II: Basic methods in global health analysis
An introduction to biostatistics. Epidemiology: concepts, data and models. General survey techniques and qualitative research.
Chapter III: Global burden of diseases
Epidemiology of global infectious, chronic and mental diseases. Antimicrobial resistance, nutrition and climate change in global health.
Chapter IV: Vulnerable populations
The basic needs for human survival. Mother and child health and global strategies for prevention of mortality in these populations. Gender inequalities and sexual and reproductive health problems. Conflict, disaster, and terrorism in global health. Right to health. Controversies in human research.
Chapter V: Integrating global and one health.
Common one health issues. On-line resources.
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- Instruction: Course will comprise 2 ECTS / 50hrs of student work with the following structure:
- Activity in a large group: A 1-hr online conference
- Activities in small groups: Each group (around 21 students) will be supervised online and graded by one member of the teaching team: 16-hr online section involving different asynchronous activities that include interaction among students (16 hrs), besides self-paced learning. The activities include critical reading and video viewing of scientific related contents. Chapters will end by a 3-hr online
interactive seminar or workshop where assignments are discussed.
- Individual activities: The course will involve 30 additional hours of student work (self-paced learning, reading literature, preparation of essays, etc.).
- Assessment: A final written assay (1000-1500 words; relative weight 50 %), and student work and participation (relative weight 50 %).

  • Evaluación continua
  • Trabajos

Fecha de Inicio: 01 de julio de 2024

Fecha de Fin: 18 de julio de 2024

Calendario Académico: