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Universidad de Jaén


Curso en Advanced Business Administration



Business administration education has been undergoing changes since the beginning of the discipline. The changes in the environment and especially those that depend directly on technology are making a large part of higher education in Management require a permanent updating of techniques and knowledge. We present this course as a useful activity for workers and managers who work in the international environment and who wish to obtain more and better management techniques in areas such as Strategic Management, International Management, Global Marketing, Digital Transformation and International Project Management. Overall, the knowledge and skills that can be obtained through this training activity are useful to improve day-to-day business practice.
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To provide new techniques in the field of Business Administration
To provide new knowledge and skills in International Strategic Management
To provide new knowledge and tools for International Management of Companies
To provide new theoretical and practical tools for the management of International Projects
To provide new approaches and discussions useful for the Digital Transformation of Companies
To provide new theoretical and practica applications of Marketing tools for Global Management
To provide new approaches in teaching techniques including videotutorials and case study analysis in the field of Global Management

University and non-university students with an interest in the area of Business Administration, Business Managers, Entrepreneurs and Business practitioners

Non applicable

Preinscripción y matrícula

Preinscripción: No es necesario realizar preinscripción.

Fecha de inicio de matrícula: 01 de septiembre de 2023 a las 00:00

Fecha de fin de matrícula: 31 de diciembre de 2023 a las 23:59

Periodo de matrícula cerrado.

Información Matrícula:

  • ORDINARIA: 0,00 €
  • Plazos propuestos e importes: 1 plazo de 0,00 €.

Para realizar la matrícula se recomienda utilizar el navegador Chrome desde un ordenador. Si recibe un mensaje de error, envía un correo, incluyendo la captura de pantalla y dados personales (nombre y DNI), a continua@ujaen.es.

Importante: Seguro de accidentes: Todos los participantes deben estar cubiertos por un seguro de accidentes (EXCEPTO CURSOS ONLINE)

  • Seguro escolar. Obligatorio para todos los menores de 28 años, cobrándose en Estudios oficiales, una sola vez por curso académico.
  • Seguro accidentes UJA. Obligatorio para todos aquellos alumnos que no tengan abonado el seguro escolar en el curso académico activo, siendo ambos incompatibles, debiendo abonarse una sola vez por curso académico. Afecta a todos los alumnos de estudios oficiales y no oficiales (Grado, Máster, Tercer Ciclo, Enseñanzas Propias y Cursos Cortos)
  • Enlace de informe al alumnado: https://www.ujaen.es/estudios/acceso-y-matricula/matricula/seguros-para-el-alumnado-de-la-uja

El alumnado matriculado en esta actividad puede participar en la Convocatoria de Becas de Formación Permanente 1er. cuatrimestre del curso 2023/24. La Resolución se publicará en el Centro de Formación Permanente y Formación Complementaria - Perfil de Estudiantes en Becas y Ayudas

Información académica

Aquí encontrarás los detalles fundamentales y todos los enlaces necesarios para conocer la organización de tu máster propio.

The academic program will draw upon the following specialization modules: 1. International Management (4 credits); 2. Strategic Global Management (4 credits); 3. Digital Business & Applications (4 credits); 4. The course program includes:- 20 credits (4 credits per subject)- Virtual mode- 8 Reading materials (pdf format)- 40 hours of synchronous teaching, including supervised practical sessions (8 hours per subject / 4 sessions).- 20 mini-videotutorials (4 per subject).- 5 case studies/activities/projects (1 per subject).
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Fichero Tamaño Acciones
Consolidated Syllabus.pdf 135.83 Kb

This course will develop comprehensive teaching and evaluation methods that will take into account a variety of teaching methodologies. Specifically, the University of Jaén is committed to organize and develop a training program comprising the following specialization modules: 1. International Management (4 credits); 2. Strategic Global Management (4 credits); 3. Digital Business & Applications (4 credits); 4. The course program includes:- 20 credits (4 credits per subject)- Virtual mode- 8 Reading materials (pdf format)- 40 hours of synchronous teaching, including supervised practical sessions (8 hours per subject / 4 sessions).- 20 mini-videotutorials (4 per subject).- 5 case studies/activities/projects (1 per subject). The overall evaluation method will be based on direct teacher-student interaction during the course, the evaluation of the response to the cases presented as well as the administration of assessment questionnaires including multiple-choice and open-ended questions.

  • Evaluación continua
  • Exámenes
  • Trabajos
  • Case study analysis evaluation

Fecha de Inicio: 08 de enero de 2024

Fecha de Fin: 31 de julio de 2024

Calendario Académico: